Friday, January 24, 2020

Week 2 Day 3 Activity 3 - Belle Of The Ball

For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.

Image result for the giverThe book I've chose to write a short review of is The Giver

The Giver is a book written by Lois Lowry.  This book has a very interesting concept to it, that's why I enjoy reading it occasionally.   The Giver is mainly revolved around a teenage boy named Jonas.  Jonas lives in a community where there is no war, no hunger, no pain, no colour.  When children turn a certain age they will be assigned to a job they'll have in the community for the rest of their lives.  They choose the job for each child depending on how their childhood has been.  For example if a kid liked helping out old people during their childhood they would be assigned to work at a home.  Jonas had a very special and strange childhood.   Within the community no one was able to see colour, but Jonas he was special.  Sometimes ocassionally strange things would occur and he would see colour.  

I wont spoil too much incase any of you guys want to read the book or watch the movie.  I reccomend the book for children 11 +.

Image Link 


  1. Hi Mary

    This is a great book review that you have shared with us all. I like that you have not given away the ending of the book. That is the perfect thing to do.
    You have given all the details and hooked everyone in with the story. The object of a book review is to get other people to read the book so well done.
    I like that you have recommended it for the age group also. This is very helpful to who ever is reading this post to see if the book if suitable for them.

    I haven't seen this book cover before which is really interesting too.

    Well done, you have done a great job!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hey Allie,

      Thank you for the excellent comment!

      I absolutely love the giver, it's probably one of my all time favourite books. What's your favourite book? And why do you enjoy enjoy to read it?

      Once again thank you! :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.