Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fibonacci Exploration

The Fibonacci is a sequence of set numbers that start with one or zero.  With those numbers you must go from 0, to 1, to 2, to 3, to 5, to 8, to 13, etc.  How to solve Fibonacci is really easy as long as you understand.  You have to add the previous two numbers to create the follow up number, for example 3+5= 8, so in that matter I would put 8, then I would solve the equation with the previous number before 8 with 8, that would be 5+8 and that would equal 13, then you carry on and use the same pattern.

For this Fibonacci "Exploration" Bridget and I kind of helped each other out since the both of us didn't know what to do.  There were 3 paths to choose from and they were science, math or art.  We went down the path of art involvement which we thought would be quiet easy since both of us like art, well we thought wrong.  We had some technical difficulties along the process of coming up with ideas, but we had a little help coming from Shirley.  She suggested we do a little virtual online graph paper website where you get to create a Fibonacci spiral on.  Our original idea was to create some sort of pine cone by using The Fibonacci spiral sequence, although we tried in the end it didn't look the way we wanted.  We followed a video on Youtube which is about Fibonacci in spirals and plants, here's the link ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahXIMUkSXX0).  There was a video of her drawing a pine cone by using the Fibonacci spiral sequence and it turned out perfectly.  I guess the moral of the story is you must practice heaps to master the Fibonacci spirals. 

Something I learnt from this is that everywhere you go Fibonacci is all around you.  For example there is a Fibonacci sequence in flowers, pine cones, your fingers, feet, even your ears!  I found learning about this very interesting.  It just really fascinated me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sailing Recap

On Monday the 11th of November the year 6, 7 & 8's of Te - Kinga participated in the 'Have A Go Sailing' program.  I myself have been sailing before because of this program from previous years so I had some prior knowledge stored in my pocket.  When we arrived at the Yacht Club we were kindly greeted by Simon, the organizer of the whole program.  He taught us how to set up a yacht and how to sail.  I knew this stuff, so it was kind of a revision.  After we suited up we jumped into the water.  One person had to be an "Anchor" and the other had to put the trailer back.  My sailing buddy was Bridget, here's her blog http://lakebrunnerbridgetr.blogspot.com/( shameless plug for her ).  Bridget and I were a bit anxious at times when our boat started tipping.  Most of the time we were screaming at each other because the boat was either going to capsize ( well we thought ) or we were just having too much fun in general.  Whilst gliding on the water we heard two squeaky squeals, we looked around and discovered that those squeals were coming out of the mouths of Jakob & Kyle.  My favourite parts of the whole experience was walking on the underwater jetty and jumping off, screaming at Bridget, chucking water at other people with the bailer and sailing in general.  If you have the opportunity to go sailing I suggest you go for it because it's a great experience to get involved in if you haven't gone sailing before.