Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Summer Learning Journey Activity #8: The Secretive Skink

For this activity I had to list 3 pros and 3 cons about being a doc ranger. I also writ down at the bottom of my post if I want to be a doc ranger or not


1: You help animals live a better life.

2: You kill predators to prevent other animals like kiwi from being extinct. 

3: One little thing you do can go a long way.


1: You can accidentally get injured during rescuing animals.

2: You can accidentally cut your finger off when setting traps. 

3: You could get in a bad crash.

I wouldn't want to be a Doc Ranger because it's not my thing, I am interested in other things like art, sports and cooking. But Ka Pai for those who are Doc Rangers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary
    You are such an incredible blogger! You have an amazing layout and you always use great fonts. These things may seem small but they go a long way in engaging your audience!

    Those are some lovely pros! I can tell you love animals and are a very caring person. I imagine living on a farm is a lot of hard work!

    Just like any job, there are always going to be some pros and cons. The cons you have listed are very grim and scary. I totally understand why you are not interested in becoming a Doc Ranger.

    I love how you acknowledge the Doc Rangers who put themself at risk to protect animals.

    Keep blogging!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.