Saturday, January 11, 2020

SLJ Day 3 Activity 2 - Defying The Odds

For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you had the chance to interview LeBron James, Steven Adams or another basketball player of your choice.
On your blog, tell us who you would interview and then provide a list of five questions that you would like to ask your chosen player.

For this activity I chose to interview LeBron James. 
1: While growing up who did you most look up to when it came to basketball?
Image result for lebron james2: What did you want to be when you were a kid, and is being a basketball player way off the lines to that once desired career? 
3: What's the biggest obstacle you've had to overcome?
4: Which accomplishment of your career are you most proud of and why?
5: What advice would you give new comers to basketball?

Image Attribution - Link 


  1. Hey Mary!

    Well done on this post! You have done well to come up with these questions. They are all really interesting and unique! Awesome work!

    I would also like to know who LeBron James looked up to when he was a child. He has become such a good player! I would love to know who inspired him! Do you have someone in your life that inspires you?

    I also really like your question about obstacles! He must have faced a lot of challenges to get where he is. I wonder which was the biggest and hardest to overcome.

    Nice work on this post! I really like how thoughtful these questions are!

    Matilda :)

  2. Hi Matilda

    I agree he must of gotten a lot of challenges to face, but I guess all that hard work paid off in the end am I right?

    Someone that inspires me would probably be my parents since they are just really wholesome people and amazing role models, not only for me, but also for my 3 younger siblings. Who is someone that inspires you?

    Thanks Matilda for commenting :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.