Thursday, March 29, 2018

Designing a book cover

Science-Balloon in jar with Tess!

Today Mr Cook came to teach us science!  He taught us how to put a balloon into a jar.  Here is a video of me and Tess! 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Weekend Journal

My weekend wasn't filled with glamour or anything fun...
We watched movies, played outside, did some biking and I went to get wood.
While I got the wood the weather wasn't too bad, but when I went to bring the wood to the house it was pouring with rain.  I also didn't have a jacket on, but it was worth it.  

On Saturday I tried to make pancakes, that didn't go as planned because they were shaped a bit oddly.  This was my first time so that's why, apparently they tasted good.  

On Sunday I had to clean my room for Brianna and Bruce's birthday party which is not that far away.  Although their birthdays are a day apart they are having it on the same day, because there's no point if there was two birthdays. 

I did a bit of drawing and reading for some practice because I want to get better at both of those things.

On Sunday a random dog that looks like one of our dogs called Maggie appeared in front of our house, we still don't know who's it is but we are trying to find out.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Facts, Drawings & Kahoot With Bridget& Mary

Refugee Freeze Frame Josef's Last scene

For my reading I decided to team up with Kahi, Jakob, Emily and Bridget to do a freeze frame.  We decided to recreate Josef's last chapter and turn it into a freeze frame, in here Kahi is acting Josef, Bridget as Ruthy, Emily as Rachel Landau and Jakob as a Nazi....



Instructional writing

We have been reminding ourselves how to make instructional writing, we learnt the different languages in instructional writing.  For our instructional writing we decided to make raro, we then wrote what we did.  

Think Board

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Our Whenua-Our Land brainstorm

Made with Padlet

Missing Baby Poster Refugee Activity

For an activity I decided to make a "missing poster" for Hana, from the book Refugee.  At the very bottom I wrote in Greek and it says Missing Baby.  Above the "phone number" it says call in Greek as well,  underneath the words missing baby is missing baby in Arabic.  

Monday, March 19, 2018

Weekend Journal

On Friday I went over to Bridget's house to get a break from my siblings.  First we went on the tramp and played some games we made up ( we went on the tramp a lot) We then fed her chickens and her pigs, we ate heaps of chips and drank a lot of fizzy as it was a really hot day, so we were dying to drink something to cure our dehydration.  We played on the Wii and played Mario Cart for about 20 or so minutes because we got bored.  We went outside and played on the tramp again...
Greg ( Bridget's Dad)  "cooked" us some tea, well he only cooked some potatoes and mashed it up.  He heated up some meatballs, grated some cheese and cut up some tomatoes ( it was delicious ) 

On Saturday we woke up and I showed Bridget my drawing of her.  We had breakfast and went on the tramp again, after we decided to play soccer and I won by 2 or 3.  We watched The Regular Show round about 1:00,  we moved on from that and did some drawing. 
The Rooney's dropped me off at 6:00 and I watched some telly.

On Sunday I didn't really do much, other than making a mousse (the desert)

Sunday, March 18, 2018

If I was water....

Click the piece of writing to make it bigger to make it easier to read

Friday, March 16, 2018

Pick a path story (Haunted House)

Overall I think I did a good job.  It was really fun making a pick a path, it was also my first time.  Next time I want to add more description and less deaths at the end. Although I struggled a bit and sometimes I found it challenging through out the process it was very enjoyable.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Weekend journal

On Friday I went over to my cousin's house for a sleepover.  There I got to look after my niece and nephew.  For other people their cousin's daughter or son is their second cousin, but in Philippines and maybe other countries they are our niece or/nephew, it just makes it easier.  Over there I got a break from my siblings (thank goodness) I got to eat doughnuts, cakes, chocolates.   Don't worry I ate some healthy dishes as well.   

On Saturday Xander (my nephew) and I watched a movie,  a few hours later we had dinner.  My cousin then dropped me of.

Although my weekend was short it was sure fun

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Spanish Vocabulary Refugee week 5

Refugee Kahoot week 6

Origami home links

For Home Links I decided to make origami because on Monday 5th some students went to swimming sports, the rest of us helped Ruma D to read and follow instructions.  Here is a puppy and a flower I made.