Monday, March 26, 2018

Weekend Journal

My weekend wasn't filled with glamour or anything fun...
We watched movies, played outside, did some biking and I went to get wood.
While I got the wood the weather wasn't too bad, but when I went to bring the wood to the house it was pouring with rain.  I also didn't have a jacket on, but it was worth it.  

On Saturday I tried to make pancakes, that didn't go as planned because they were shaped a bit oddly.  This was my first time so that's why, apparently they tasted good.  

On Sunday I had to clean my room for Brianna and Bruce's birthday party which is not that far away.  Although their birthdays are a day apart they are having it on the same day, because there's no point if there was two birthdays. 

I did a bit of drawing and reading for some practice because I want to get better at both of those things.

On Sunday a random dog that looks like one of our dogs called Maggie appeared in front of our house, we still don't know who's it is but we are trying to find out.

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