For this activity, please identify someone in your life who is a role model to you. This could be a parent, grandparent, neighbour, minister, imam, rabbi etc. Please ask them to share one piece of wisdom (advice) with you that they think you and your blog readers should hear.
On your blog, share this wisdom with your readers.
I chose my dad since I think he's very wise. A piece of advice I've heard him tell me once is " Those who do nothing get everything " and by that he means most people who don't really do much get the most. That's how the world is these days, like lets take the Kardashians as an example, and they are a perfect example. They don't have a special talent, they aren't hard working, they do practically no work, yet they get everything anyone could ever imagine. While others like my Dad do so much, and they deserve the whole world, yet they don't get as much as those who do nothing. It's literally comparing farmers to celebrities who've done nothing to get to where they are now.
What's something wise you would tell someone